41. Effects of ascorbic acid against salt stress on the morphological and physiological parameters of Solanum melongena (L.)

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Muhammad Irfan Nabeela . Muhammad Ilyas Khaliq Ur Rahman


The recent research was done to find out the role of ascorbic acid on morphological and physiological parameters of Solanum melongena during salt stress. The experiment was carried out in pots in which the effect of salt and ascorbic acid was measured on a range of morphological and physiological parameters. In this study, ascorbic acid was applied in two ways viz. as a foliar spray on leaves or through roots in the soil at two levels 100 ppm and 200 ppm to the plants grown under control, 60mM and 100mM NaCl. After sixty days of treatments it was determined that fresh and dry biomass was decreased considerably under salinity stress. Overall, it was observed that salt stress significantly down effect the morphological and physiological parameters. Decrease in the vegetative and reproductive parameters was improved with the application of ascorbic acid. The best result was obtained with the 200 ppm ascorbic acid which significantly improved the morphological and physiological parameters of plants in both control and salt stress treatments suggesting that ascorbic acid mitigate the negative effects of salt stress.

Keywords: Ascorbic acid; Foliar spray; Morphological; Physiological; Salt stress


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