49. The effect of positioning eggs on hatchability and embryonic mortality of the Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica)

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Waseem Ali Vistro Qudratullah Kalwar Illahi Bux Kalhoro, Nasir Rajput, Abdul Sattar Baloch Zafar Ali Khoso, Arab Khan Lund Mazhar Mangi, Muhammad Azhar Memon


In the last ten years, the little known about Japanese quail (Coturnix Japonica) commonly known as “Bater”, has been introduced in the progressing poultry industry of Pakistan. Study was planned to investigate the effect of various positions and condition of quail eggs on embryonic mortality, hatchability and chick weight. Total (n=150) fertile eggs of Japanese quails were grouped into A (vertical position with pointed end upward), B (vertical position with pointed end downward) and C (horizontal position) with average weight 10.87, 10.52 and 10.24 grams respectively. Statistically data was analyzed by determining the mean and standard deviation for each parameter. The group-A eggs weight was significantly higher (P<0.05) than other groups. The rate of early embryonic mortality was 8%, 12%, and 14% in dehydrated, infected and weak embryo respectively while 6% in late embryonic mortality in group-A. By the considering these parameters in group-B revealed 6%, 10%, 16% in early while 8% in late mortality. Similarly the eggs of group-C have 10%, 4%, 10% in case of early and 12% was recorded in late embryonic mortality. Hence overall embryonic mortality was low in group C (36%) compared with group A (40%) and B (40%). The hatchability rate was recorded high in group C (64%) than A (60%) and B (60%). Overall the horizontal position showed positive effects on chick weight and hatchability rate.

Keywords: Egg; Embryonic mortality; Hatchability; Japanese quail; Positioning


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