55. Determination of mineral and heavy metals in Cousinia stocksii, Eremostachys thyrsiflora and Gaillonia macrantha plants for health safety approaches by atomic absorption and flame photometry techniques

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Pari Wash Mengal, Samiullah, Naqeebullah , Khan, Attiq-ur-Rehman Abdul Baqi Warda Saifullah Abdul Manan


Nine different elements (Cu, Co, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Na and K) were determined in the three plant species i-e Cousinia stocksii, Eremostachys thyrsiflora and Gaillonia macrantha by FAAS and Flame photometer. Digestion of the plant samples were carried out by using tri-acid mixture (HNO3, H2SO4 and HClO4). The distribution order of the elements in the three species were: C. stocksii: Cd≈Pb≈Co<Mn≈Ni<Cu<Fe<<K<Na. E. thyrsiflora: Cd≈Pb≈Co<Ni≈Cu≈Mn<Fe<<Na<K and G. macrantha: Cd=Pb≈Co≈Ni≈Mn≈Cu<Fe<<K<Na. Heavy metal contents were recorded at a very low level even negligible whereas Na and K were present in higher level and Fe to some extent. The results provide a justification for the safety of these plants and no risk is associated for the human consumption. In spite of the fact, analysis is needed before use as they might be contaminated by environmental factors.

Keywords: Flame photometer; FAAS; Heavy metals; Medicinal plants


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