76. Qualitative analysis of pea (Pisum sativum) seeds procured from different sources and locations of district Haripur-Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Pakistan

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Muhammad Irshad Khan, Shah Masaud Khan Ijaz Hussain, Shams ur Rehman Syed Hassan Raza Shah Qasim Ayub Naveed ul Haq


This research was conducted in the District of Haripur (Haripur, Khanpur and Ghazi) to increase the yield of pea. Pea seeds were collected from three sources (Farmer, Dealer and Government Organization) from each location in order to investigate the yield traits. Mean values for yield traits of pea seeds were found to be, Embryo damaged Seed 0.77% to 3.31%, inert matter 0.02% to 5.06%, moisture level 7.43% to 6.05%, seed Germination 67% to 91.66%, insect affected seeds 15.33% to 4%, stones and dust particles 32.33% to 9%, viability 87.33% to 55.33%, other variety seed 1.34% to 0%, other crop seed 5.65% to 0% and seed purity (%) were 98.4% to 78.8% for pea seeds collected from haripur, khanpur and ghazi. Seeds collected from Khanpur region possess best seed quality traits. Overall; seed quality of Government organization possesses desirable seed quality and suggested to grow for better yield. Pea farmers of district Haripur should be trained to use lasted techniques of seed storage to minimize the economic losses caused due to inferior quality seeds.

Keywords: Locations; Pea; Quality traits; Seed yield


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